We are what is known as an “End of Life Doula” or “Death Doula”.

An End-of-life Doula is a non-medical professional that provides holistic support for the dying and their loved ones before, during, and after death.  Trained in the various end of life stages a Doula is able to assist the family with understanding the natural processes while providing comfort and support.

An end of life doula:

  • Provides support and care for those in the last phases of   life-limiting illness
  • Recognizes dying as part of the normal process of living
  • Focuses on quality of life for individuals and their family caregivers
  • Attends to the emotional, psychosocial and spiritual aspects of dying and caregiving
  • Advocates for the patient and family
  • Provides additional support system to patients and families with no time limitations or time restrictions
  • Serves as the eyes and ears of hospice program


End of Life Planning

The end of life journey is inevitable for all of us. In acknowledging the journey and taking control  are important and allows a person to honor his/her life thereby developing an acceptance of the finality of the ‘journey’.

End of Life Coach

As an end of life coach (also known as end of life doula) I believe that death is a normal/natural process in most scenarios. This service provides assistance to the dying individual and his/her support team that allows this walk to be peaceful, accepting and surrounded with loved ones.

Home Funeral Guide

As your home funeral guide I will work with you and your loved ones to complete the rituals that you have previously defined. I will be there for you.


Quality of life versus quantity of life?  That’s a hard question to answer. But after three different stays in ICU and two major surgeries, my husband of over 38 years and I had to face this situation.

The surgeon was frank as he outlined options.  Additional surgeries would be required, and in his weakened state, no guarantees my husband would survive them.  The only other option was no more surgery and release into a skilled nursing facility or to home.  As time was of the essence, a decision was needed quickly. It’s hard to think logically with your head when your heart is so heavily involved.

Susan Flynn became that person.  She was kind enough to come to the hospital that evening.  She had a long private conversation with my husband and a separate conversation with me.  The conversations were thoughtful and all encompassing. Let me be clear, Susan was not there to make a decision for us, but to be a sounding board.

My husband was very adamant, no additional surgeries and to just go home.  With this decision Susan discussed many things, among them DNR orders, Living Will directives and the role of Hosparus.

This was the path we took for his final journey and I’m forever grateful for Susan’s guidance and reassurance.  My husband was able to pass away peacefully at home with his loved ones by his side.



I am a 70 year old woman in excellent health. Susan, from Gentle Journey has been excellent in helping me think about ways that I can live my life the way I choose to the very end. I had not given much thought about what type of service I would want, who I want to speak, or what thoughts I would like to share with loved ones. I also learned about internment options, green funerals and more. There are so many choices and Susan helped me  sort through. Now when my time comes, hopefully many years from now, me and my loved ones will be comforted by knowing it is my way.


Death is not the opposite of life but a part of it.

-Haruki Marakami

Please contact us and we will gladly answer any questions that you have for us. We are here for you and are waiting to help you through your journey as soon as you are ready.

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